Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Round House by Louise Erdrich

Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2019--Beirut, Lebanon

The Round House by Louise Erdrich is a winner of The National Book Award.  It is a rare novel set on a Native American Reservation in modern times with the main character being an adolescent boy.  But there are many major characters--the boy's parents, his grandfather, his aunts and uncles, his 3 best friends, a priest, etc.  A tragic story that is well written, it also has humor that made me laugh aloud.  Besides telling the story of these people, the novel emphasizes the injustices that Native Americans face due to various laws and court rulings from the American government.  There is never a dull moment in the book.  I gave it 4 3/4 stars out of 5--almost perfect!!

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