Monday, March 6, 2023

Deacon King Kong by James McBride

Monday, Mar.  6, 2023--San Antonio

I thought I had already read Deacon King Kong by James McBride.  It was on all the lists of the best books of 2020.  But when I checked my record here of what books I had read, it was missing.  I was probably remembering another book by the same author that I had read previously.  I'm glad I figured that out, because I really enjoyed this book.  It is hilarious at times!  Everyone seems to have a nickname--Sportcoat, Bum Bum, The Elephant, Pudgy Fingers, etc.  It takes place in the late 1960s in a part of Brooklyn that had become a mixture over time of Italians, Irish, Jews, and Blacks but all but the Blacks were mostly gone.  Drug usage was increasing.  The old timers--an Italian who was still moving stolen goods and the members of the Five Directions Baptist Church are the central characters.  Deacon King Kong is the same person as Sportcoat; the former nickname is from his being a deacon of the church and an alcoholic who drinks homemade everclear which everyone calls King Kong.  Years ago, Sportcoat, because of his love of baseball, was a volunteer coach and referee of a kids baseball team at the projects.  Young people lost interest in the team as the neighborhood changed.  One excellent pitcher could have played college ball and turned professional, but he ruined his chances because of becoming involved in selling drugs.  Times are still changing, and harder drugs are coming to the community.  Everyone involved is manipulating to either get out of the business or to improve their status in the business.  The old timers are just trying to continue to get by as they observe the continued deterioration of life there.  It was such a pleasure to read this book laughing all the way through.  I gave it 5 stars out of 5.

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