Friday, September 16, 2022

What If It's Us by Adam Silvera and Becky Alberttali

Friday, September 16, 2022--San Antonio

What if It's Us by Becky Alberttali and Adam Silvera was interesting to read, but it wasn't exciting to read.  I much prefer previous books I have read by Adam Silvera.  This one is about a summer in New York where two young men who are longing for connection in their life meet in a post office line but fail to exchange contact information before they are interrupted by a flash mob band causing a disruption as a part of a marriage proposal.  All they know about each other are random details.  Both have had close friendships that have been disrupted--one because he has moved to New York with his mother to work as an intern at her law firm for the summer and the other because of sexual relationships that developed between members of their group and then failed.  Both young men want to find the other.  The intern knows that the NYC resident was there to mail a package to his ex-boyfriend and, due to a part of a label dropped on the floor during the flash mob entrance, that there is a 50% chance that his name is Hudson, but not necessarily since Hudson could have been the name of the addressee--the ex-boyfriend.  He also knows the name of a coffee shop that was on a t-shirt the NYC resident was wearing.   The other knows that the one he met is from Georgia, is an intern at his mother's law firm, and is doing the internship in an effort to get admitted to Yale after he goes home to complete his senior year of high school.  Both realize they want to re-connect with each other and use teenage techniques to do so such as searching with clues on social media and getting ideas from friends and family for other possible techniques.  It was an interesting story and the central characters and their friends were charming.  But there just wasn't enough there to make me feel that the story was worth more then 3 1/2 stars out of 5.

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