Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Lost Children Archive by Valeria Luiselli

Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2020--San Antonio

Lost Children Archive by Valeria Luiselli is a book that took a long time to pull me into the story.  I almost gave up on it in the first half.  It became more interesting from there, and the last quarter was riveting.  It''s the story of a marriage involving two children falling apart as the two children (really step-children) form a bond with their own special adventure that will keep them connected as brother and sister for the rest of their lives.  Besides seeming to have fallen out of love, the married couple face the age-old problem of their careers making it impossible to stay together without one having to give up his or hers.  The father dwells on the history of the Apache Indians--how brave and fierce they were and how they were so mistreated by the US government.  The mother dwells on the children who are coming alone as immigrants from Central America and Mexico--how difficult it is for them to make the trip alone at their age and how mistreated they are by the US government when they cross the border.  I gave the first half of the book a rating of 3 stars, but it became a 4-star book within the last quarter of it.

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