Thursday, December 28, 2023

How to Build a Boat by Elaine Feeney

Thursday, Dec. 28, 2023--San Antonio

How to Build a Boat by Elaine Feeney was longlisted for the Booker Prize and was named a New Yorker best book of the year among other honors from other sources.  It takes place in a village in western Ireland.  A young boy is starting his secondary education and apparently has Aspergers Syndrome--mentally high functioning, yet not socially inept.  It is the story of his challenges, especially when going into a new situation.  His English teacher who is used to working with special needs students takes him under her wing to help him deal with the adjustments needed in the new school.  And the book is her story, too; one of a woman who has unsuccessfully tried to become pregnant through artificial insemination twice and failed and who is realizing that she and her husband are no longer in love with each other.  Another teacher of woodworking also takes an interest in the student by involving him in building a currach, a homemade Irish boat made with reeds as a means to teach him to deal with the chaos in the world--to learn to accept that things may not go the way they are planned.  The best parts of the book are the ones where the student is reacting to what is happening.  The way he thinks is hilarious at times!!  The story bogs down at times when it is about the failing marriage of the English teacher, and there seems to be more information than needed at times about the process of building the boat.  But it is a delightful book in general.  I gave it 4 stars out of 5.   

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