Saturday, November 4, 2023

The One by John Marrs

Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023--San Antonio

The One by John Marrs seemed so familiar for the first 3 chapters or so.  Even one of the sentences at the end of one of the chapters made me think I had read it before.  But I searched through my records I keep of books I have read and it wasn't on the list.  And I checked the Netflix filmed version of it to see if I had watched that, but I hadn't.  So I kept reading and it started to seem "fresh."  I'm wondering if I read part of it and quit it sometime in the past.  It is an interesting novel, but I wouldn't call it a very good one.  It is set in the future when a researcher has discovered a mutation in a gene that allows her through gene analysis to match each person in the world with their ideal lover.  People download an app, spit on a swap and spit on it, send that in, and wait for an email to tell them who their perfect match is.  The book followed about 5 couples who have been matched.  It's strange that the "one perfect match" could be anywhere in the world but is often within the same region of a country where they both live, but that would be the only way the stories could be told; otherwise, most people would not have the money to travel travel around the world to meet their true match.  It's an okay book to read with some exciting twists regarding the matched couples.  Then it ends with uncertainty regarding what is going to happen to some of the characters.  I gave the book 3 stars out of 5.

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