Sunday, October 2, 2022

Mouth to Mouth by Antoine Wilson

Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022--San Antonio

Mouth to Mouth by Antoine Wilson is about two former college acquaintances (not close enough to be called friends) who meet years later at the airport when their flight to Europe is delayed.  One has become a known writer.  The other, who was a long-haired man from a poor background, has become successful enough to be flying first class and invites the other to accompany him to the first class lounge to wait for the flight using an extra pass he has.  From that point to the end of the book, the successful man takes the opportunity to get a story "off his chest"--one which he has told no one else and which accounts for his success in life but includes details that he has kept secret due to their making him feel guilty and ashamed.  It's an interesting story of a person who has thought of himself as good and nice, tells of the an instance when his actions seemed to have confirmed this, but includes later details in which he is afraid that maybe some of his actions contradict what he has believed about himself.  He then leaves it up to the author to decide what to do with the story.  It's a short novel (about 200 pages) and a fast read.  I didn't want to put the book down.  I gave it 4 1/2 stars out of 5.

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