Monday, June 20, 2022

Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall

Monday, June 19, 2022--San Antonio

Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall was so much more than I expected it to be.  I was laughing aloud sometimes as much as 3 times a page.  And the book is well written.  I kept reading and reading.  Then when I got near the end, I kept putting it down because I didn't want it to end.  The protagonist is a young man who is is emotionally messed up because his famous rock star father abandoned him and his mother  when he was 3 years old and because he has had bad relationship experiences.  He is hounded by paparazzi because of his peripheral association with his famous father and cannot trust potential boyfriends because 1) They may be interested in him only because of that association, and 2) The one good relationship he had experienced ended with the former boyfriend deciding to sell their story to a tabloid for tens of thousands of pounds.  The paparazzi keep finding him in embarrassing moments and publishing pictures that have a negative affect on his reputation and his job.  A friend develops a plan for him and another friend of hers to have a fake relationship for a couple of months which would benefit them the both in terms of getting past life problems.  But things don't always turn out as expected.  It's a fun book even though life is not always easy.  I gave the book 4 1/2 stars out of 5; it's really that good of a read.

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