Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Beautiful Country by Qiun Julie Wang

 Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2021--San Antonio

Beautiful County by Quin Julie Wang is a memoir of the life of a young girl whose Chinese family lived illegally in the US after staying beyond the limits of their visas--the father's as a student and the mother and daughter was visitors.  It clearly expresses the difficulties of being here illegally--fear of being found out and deported, degrees and experience in the former country being meaningless here, jobs in sweatshops, low pay, cramped and unsafe living conditions, difficulty of ever getting ahead financially, difficulty finding a footing in schools without prior knowledge of English, teachers suspecting you of cheating if you write too well in English, the high extraneous costs of education, etc.  Most of the book deals with the family's life and, in particular, the daughter's life during the years she goes from the first grade through the 6th.  It's gives a good idea of how difficult life is for immigrants, and especially those without legal residency, in the US.  I gave the book 4 stars out of 5.

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